Old Friends Leaving – Or Not? – Yessss
Today my dear friend Sina came in her car very early in the morning when it was still dark. Then my other friend Murat came as well and started moving great big boxes around. Then would you believe it they put my friends Lalique and Maya into two of the great big boxes and then Sina drove off with them in her car. Apparently they are going to a thing called an airport in somewhere called Dalaman to get on a big noisy thing called a plane which will go very fast and take them to a place far away called Holland. They told their friends in their kennel that Sina had told them they were going to get what is called ‘a new home’. Apparently this means they will do things called playing and cuddling some humans called ‘new owners’. All sounds a bit scary to me but Murat said they will have a wonderful time for the rest of their lives so that is perfect with all of their friends in the shelter.


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Then it all went wrong, Karine (their Flight Mother) and Sina came back with Lalique and Maya in their boxes. Then they went back to their kennels 🙁 Karine and Sina told us that the thing called a plane was cancelled because it was doing a thing called snowing in a place called Istanbul! They said that snowing is a thing where white stuff comes down from the sky a bit like rain, but its very cold. I am not sure we would like that but some of my friends think it might be fun.
Murat, and Sina and Karine say they will try again tomorrow, we will keep all our paws crossed that it does.
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Hurrah everything has worked, Karine has gone to Holland with Lalique and Maya. Hopefully we will get some nice pictures of them when they arrive, watch this space.
Lalique Looks So Happy
She is in her new home with her new humans, doesn’t she look happy?
Come on humans at the shelter, lets get working on the next dogs to pack their bags and fly away 🙂