Hello friends,
My human friends tell me that the world (whatever that is) is having a big problem with something called a virus. I don’t know what a virus is but apparently it makes humans sick and lots of them have had to go and see their human vets to get better.
One of the things that us dogs in the shelter have noticed is that there are a lot more dogs and particularly puppies around here than there used to be. This virus thing has stopped lots of my friends going to new mummies and daddies in places called Germany and Holland because the aeroplanes have not been flying.
If I tell you that our shelter was built for 170 dogs and now we have 310 and of the 310 we have 55 puppies under 8 months old.
These puppies may look very nice and cuddly and sweet, which they are of course, but they do take a lot more care from us dogs and humans.
They have to have special rooms to live in so that they are safe and they have to have special food which has a strange name called ‘very expensive’. We are always falling over them and they go to the toilet far too often which takes a lot of cleaning and polishing to make things nice for us all. Because they are babies they get sick more often and have to go and see Aynur the vet to get better. They cannot drink our well water so they have to have special bottled water like my human friends do.
The humans tell me that all these extra dogs and especially the puppies are costing us a lot more of something called money which is apparently very important to keep the shelter going but I have no idea what a ‘money’ is?
My human friends have asked me to ask you all if you can give the shelter some of this money stuff to help us through this difficult time at my shelter. Please help, here is something called a ‘donate button’ and you have to press it to help us out.
Please press it now.
Love from Akkus
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