More puppies in the forest

By |2022-09-17T13:08:50+03:00September 17th, 2022|dog rescue, donation, gocek animal rescue, pups, shelter, sponsorship|

Lucky our new friend

Hi friends, today I have a sad and happy story to tell you about puppies living in the forest.

One day a couple of weeks ago a kind person who was on holiday in the area was passing by a bridge not far from our shelter when they noticed a puppy in the forest. They were worried that the puppy was on its own and may need some food and help.

They went to get it some food and sure enough it was very hungry. While they were there, they noticed two more slightly bigger puppies hiding nearby. Fortunately for the puppies they were living near a fountain so they had plenty to drink and wouldn’t get thirsty in our very hot summer.

The kind person sent what is called an email, I don’t know what that is, to my human friends at our shelter telling them all about the puppies and asking them for help. My human friends went to the bridge and managed to catch the puppy and bring it back to the shelter. They also took some videos of the other puppies hiding in the bushes, there were at least three of them.

The kind person wanted to call the new puppy ‘Lucky’ because it was lucky to be rescued. Lucky was very timid at first hiding in the corner of her quarantine room but now she has come out of her shell and is happy to meet and be playing with all the other young dogs and puppies who were all very curious and keen to meet our new little friend.

One of my human friends has been back to the bridge many times to feed the dogs that are still there and he says there are at least eight young dogs living there. We will be trying to catch them as soon as we can but for the moment they are OK because when it is warm and they are being fed that is not a big problem. My human friends say if they get any older we may have a lot more puppies to catch so they need to be something called ‘sterilised’. I don’t know what that means but it sounds like a big deal to me. It will be winter soon and we need to keep them warm and safe with us.

The kind person who found Lucky has been even kinder because they are doing something called ‘sponsoring’ Lucky which means they will be sending some small amount of money every month to help pay for Lucky’s food and something called vets bills. They are also asking their friends to make something called donations to help us all. If you would like to sponsor or donate please or use the button below or send an email to

Love from Billy

This is where they live, its not very nice.

Puppies in the forest

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We have some new human friends to help and ………..

By |2021-09-16T11:30:00+03:00September 16th, 2021|dog rescue, gocek animal rescue, helpers, pups, shelter, volunteers, young people|

Dylan Tan cuddling puppies

Mavi cuddling puppies

Well it’s getting a bit cooler in Gocek now, thank goodness, August was so hot and we have all been very worried because there have been so many fires here but fortunately we are all fine just now at the shelter.

We have been getting some new help around the place during the long summer from three lovely new friends called Dylan Tan, Sam, and Mavi. I have been told that they are something called ‘young’ and I think that is the opposite of something called ‘old’. They are so kind to us, they play with the puppies and older dogs, they groom some of my friends who have got very messy by swimming and rolling around in the dirt, and they take lots of us walking up the mountain and back.

Dylan Tan wants to be a vet when he is older and he says he would like to come and be our vet in Gocek and help fix us when we are broken, I like the sound of that. I am not sure what Sam wants to be but I know he sails boats so perhaps we could go sailing with him one day as us dogs love the sea. Mavi wants to be an artist when she is older so maybe she will paint some nice pictures of us. Will we be able to sit still for long enough I wonder? maybe not.

They are so happy to see us and we to see them, we need more fun young human friends like them as all of the old humans are a bit slow and boring by comparison. Come along and join in the fun if you live near us in the Gocek area and love us dogs. Give my human friends a call or something called an ‘email’ they are very friendly and will tell you how you can join in.

Sam playing with Lady, a very loving dog

Dylan Tan and Sam having fun with some older dogs

Love from Akkus

Follow the adventures of all of my friends and I at the shelter by subscribing here

A very happy and heart-warming story from our shelter today

By |2020-08-26T14:09:21+03:00August 26th, 2020|dog rescue, gocek animal rescue, pups, rescue, shelter|



Nearly 6 months ago one of my little Beagle friends called Bijou flew to Germany to start a new life with a new Mummy and Daddy.

Not long after she arrived in her new home in St Andreasberg Bijou managed to escape and began an incredible journey across Germany and Holland living on her own sleeping rough and foraging for food and water.

She was spotted many times by many people and the word went out near and far on social media with people posting hundreds of flyers to try and find her.

During this time many people have been involved in the search for her including dedicated teams in Germany (Tieroase Birkenschold e.v. Wagenfeld and Hundesuchhilfe Ostfriesland) and Holland (Honden Zoekgroep Noord Nederland).

The rescue teams got very close to catching her several times with their traps but Bijou managed to escape every time. So many people were desperate for good news about Bijou.

Then a few days ago we had bad news that someone thought Bijou had been hit by a car.

Today, dear human friends, we had the best possible news, Bijou had been caught in Rastede near Oldenburg in Germany. She seems to be well from her photographs but we will know more soon.

Love from Akkus




Love from Akkus

Follow the adventures of all of my friends and I at the shelter by subscribing here

Is this puppy number eight I wonder? What do you think?

By |2020-08-14T16:53:48+03:00August 14th, 2020|dog rescue, gocek animal rescue, pups, rescue, shelter|


Hey human friends. You will remember me telling you about the seven or eight puppies in the forest the other day. Well I could only count seven puppies in the video and we wondered where puppy number eight might be hiding.

Well we think the answer is that she is hiding in the house of my human friends Grace and Peter.

She was found in the forest all on her own by someone who knew nothing about the other seven puppies. We think she wandered away from her family and got lost. When she was found she was taken to the vet who thought she had been wandering in the forest without food for about 10 days. She was in a terrible state covered in ticks and fleas and she was very hungry and thirsty.

Now she is living in a nice warm dry house and she has a dog friend called Findik who she plays with all day and much of the night, only resting for some tasty treats now and again.

Isn’t she pretty? Now all my human friends have to do is catch the other seven and get them safe as soon as they can.

All these puppies are costing us a great deal of that stuff called money. Please help us now by donating if you can.

Thank you and love from Akkus


Love from Akkus

Follow the adventures of all of my friends and I at the shelter by subscribing here


And Now Puppies In The Forest

By |2020-08-03T16:41:53+03:00August 3rd, 2020|dog rescue, gocek animal rescue, pups, rescue, shelter|

Hello my friends, you will remember I was telling you last time about how many puppies we had in the shelter and that we have 55 under 8 months old.

Well from today we have 6 more making 61 and you will never guess what has happened now?

Somebody has discovered a family of very young puppies and their mummy living in the forest up the mountain near us.

My human friend Sina has been hunting for them for some time now. Eventually she discovered them and she goes to give them food and water every day. They are very timid and Sina has to be very gentle and patient before they will come out from the trees and bushes.

It will take some time and be quite difficult for my human friends to catch them so that we can care for them at the shelter.

Sina thinks there are eight of them but I can only count seven in the video, what do you think?

Is the other one hiding somewhere I wonder?


Love from Akkus

Follow the adventures of all of my friends and I at the shelter by subscribing here

Everyone loves a puppy ………….. but you can have too much of a good thing!

By |2020-07-09T13:33:19+03:00July 9th, 2020|dog rescue, gocek animal rescue, pups, re-homed, rescue, shelter|

Hello friends,

My human friends tell me that the world (whatever that is) is having a big problem with something called a virus. I don’t know what a virus is but apparently it makes humans sick and lots of them have had to go and see their human vets to get better.

One of the things that us dogs in the shelter have noticed is that there are a lot more dogs and particularly puppies around here than there used to be. This virus thing has stopped lots of my friends going to new mummies and daddies in places called Germany and Holland because the aeroplanes have not been flying.

If I tell you that our shelter was built for 170 dogs and now we have 310 and of the 310 we have 55 puppies under 8 months old.

These puppies may look very nice and cuddly and sweet, which they are of course, but they do take a lot more care from us dogs and humans.

They have to have special rooms to live in so that they are safe and they have to have special food which has a strange name called ‘very expensive’. We are always falling over them and they go to the toilet far too often which takes a lot of cleaning and polishing to make things nice for us all. Because they are babies they get sick more often and have to go and see Aynur the vet to get better. They cannot drink our well water so they have to have special bottled water like my human friends do.

The humans tell me that all these extra dogs and especially the puppies are costing us a lot more of something called money which is apparently very important to keep the shelter going but I have no idea what a ‘money’ is?

My human friends have asked me to ask you all if you can give the shelter some of this money stuff to help us through this difficult time at my shelter. Please help, here is something called a ‘donate button’ and you have to press it to help us out.

Please press it now.

Love from Akkus

Follow the adventures of all of my friends and I at the shelter by subscribing here

Beautiful Puppies

By |2019-06-24T19:30:14+03:00June 24th, 2019|pups, rescue, shelter|

Pup 1

Pup 2

Pup 3

We have a problem! We need to name some new puppies, after all we get so many of them, they arrive every day. My human friends Sina and Peter normally think of the names but I thought it would be fun, if you, our kind friends, made the choice.

We have three lovely new puppies that need a name.

We have found some names for you to choose from so what do you think. They are all girls.

  1. Leia
  2. Mila
  3. Nina
  4. Lola
  5. Coco
  6. Lulu
  7. Layla
  8. Ella
  9. Olive

Just send me an email with your vote saying pup1-name1, pup2-name2, pup3-name3

We would kindly ask you to make a donation as part of your entry by going to our donate page here

Thank you for you kindness, we will let you know the winning names as soon as we have them.


Follow the adventures of all of my friends and I at the shelter by subscribing here


7 Cute Little Puppies Sitting In A Line

By |2019-03-24T18:24:32+03:00March 24th, 2019|pups, rescue, shelter|

Their First Feed At The Shelter

Sitting In Their Nice Cosy Basket At Sina’s House

A little while ago now our human friends got very very excited one Saturday morning. A very old truck came to the shelter driven by a man from a nearby village. He stopped his truck and our human friends Sina, Christine, and Grace went to see what was up. The man got out of his truck and said he had found some puppies with a mummy dog. The mummy dog jumped down from the truck and the man passed a puppy to Grace, and then another one, and then another one, and another, and another, and another, and another! Seven tiny tiny little puppies, can you believe it?

Well everyone was shocked but so pleased that the poor little things had been brought to us and not left alone, cold, and hungry somewhere. Sina said ‘So where are we going to put these cute little babies then, the quarantine kennels are all full up and we have to look after them very carefully’. So Sina, Christine, and Grace all scratched their heads and then scratched their heads again, what were they going to do? ‘I know’ said Sina ‘I will take them all to my house they can stay in my spare bathroom, its big enough, its warm and clean and I can keep a good close eye on them’.

So Sina took them home and after that every time we saw her here at the shelter she looked as though she was falling asleep and then she told us that the puppies woke her up at a thing called 4:00am every morning for cleaning and feeding. I don’t know what a 4:00am is, Christine says its a time of the night which is dark and quiet and all sensible people are usually asleep. So puppies are very hard work.

Anyway the puppies have been with us for some time now and they are getting bigger and bigger. Sina has got them eating proper puppy food now and she is a good but very strict puppy mum. Guess what? she puts them in a line before she puts the food bowls down and then says ‘Ready, steady eat’ and they do, its incredible! They have been busy practicing climbing the steps from their bathroom to the outside, the only problem is that one of them is a bit smaller than the others and cannot get up the step. Look in the video how the other puppy tries to help it while all the other puppies cheer them on. Now they have been taught to wash their bowls and take them back to where they are fed. How good is that?

Isn’t it wonderful? it warms the hearts of us older dogs to see the youngsters doing so well.


Ready Steady Eat!


Mountain Climbing (Or Not?)


Washing Up And Putting The Bowls Back

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