This my friends, is a story that is very familiar to us all, week in and week out, at the shelter. It is a story of how bad my human friends can be but also the goodness that comes from many of them and helps all of us dogs to continue to have faith in them as our friends.
This is one of our new dogs called Dostum which means ‘your friend’ in Turkish. He was dumped as if he were a piece of rubbish in a most terrible condition. He was covered in what are called ticks and fleas which we are told can kill us dogs in a very horrible way.
Dostum was probably only fed on something called stale bread if he was lucky. My friends and I don’t know what stale bread is but apparently bad humans give it to their dogs all of the time. Can you believe that?
Anyway Sina took Dostum to our very kind friend Aynur the vet, who fixes us when we have pains in our tummies and stops us getting things called things called coughs and diseases. Aynur was very shocked at how bad Dostum was so she gave him what is called a ‘big shave’ and got rid of all the nasty ticks and fleas. She also fixed some bad wounds that he had on his body. He looks a bit different now but at least he is eating. Aynur says he has something called anaemia and has to be on something called a drip until he is better.
Dostum is now doing much better and a very kind human who came and saw how badly treated he had been has very kindly offered him a nice new home with some other dogs who have also had a bad time.
Now for an everyday story in our lives at the shelter that started so badly, isn’t that a nice ending?

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