Dear Friends,
My human friend Peter has been telling me all about a thing called Christmas. Apparently there is a human called Father Christmas (Saint Nicholas) who originally came from a place called Patara which is 98 kilometres away from us here in Gocek. Now this Father Christmas is a very special person because he brings something called presents to everyone in a place called ‘The World’ on a very special night called Christmas Eve. Imagine that, he must be very busy or that must be an especially long night.
Anyway my human friend Peter said that if you write Father Christmas a letter telling him what presents you need then if you are lucky the Father Christmas will bring them to you on the special night.
So here is my letter that I have sent to Father Christmas.
“Dear Father Christmas,
My name is Akkus and I am a dog from a place called Tasbasi near Gocek in Turkey (near Patara). Dogs are hairy things with four legs and a tail and we bark but love all of our human friends more than ourselves. Unfortunately some of us have been badly treated and 250 of us are all living together in a nice place called a shelter. My human friends said that if I wrote you a list of things we need you might be able to help us out, so here goes.
- Medicines.
- Nice dry kennels for us to sleep in when it’s raining hard and the ground is all wet.
- Money for Aynur our vet friend for when we get sore tummies, she has to eat too.
- Food for when we get hungry tummies.
- Money for things that need fixing like our well that broke the other day and we had no water.
- No more natural disasters like floods or firestorms.
- A nice new home living with kind human friends.
- No more humans being cruel to animals.
I hope that there are not too many things on the list and that you can help us out at Christmas time.
Love from Akkus
PS My human friend Peter said to tell you that we have all been very good dogs and none of us are naughty”
Lets hope it works dear friends and let me just wish you and all of our human friends a Very Happy Christmas and Happy New Year from all of the dogs in our shelter.
Love From Akkus

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