Welcome my friends I have not been able to write my blog on the computer for some time because my paws are getting very creaky these days and I can’t manage the keyboard so well, but more about that later.

This dog is called Karabortlen, one of our new friends that came to us at the shelter quite recently. As you can see from the pictures the poor dog had such terrible mange that his fur was almost completely gone.

He came to our caring vet, Aynur who did a great job with Sina’s help giving him lots of special medicine to start making him into a proper dog with fur again. Although he is now with us in the shelter he is still being given a lot of very expensive medication to make him into a perfect brand new dog. If you could help us with a small donation we would all be so grateful.

Karabortlen is such a lovely dog considering all of the terrible treatment that he received from bad humans, we are all amazed that he is now such an affectionate happy dog that loves to meet us dogs and humans too.

Back to my creaky paws again. I am afraid to say that I am getting quite old now and I cannot do as much as I could. I keep falling over and my bones are very creaky. Don’t worry as all my kind human friends look after me very well and I get pain killers which fix me up pretty well.

It is very hot here at the moment but I can lie in the shade with lots of cool water to drink. I think I prefer the sun to all of the terrible rain that my human friends have had in a place called Europe.

Bye for now.





Love from Akkus

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