Today’s story starts in a very bad way with a poor friend of mine called Sevda.
Sevda and some tortoise friends of hers were found by lots of human friends stuck in a big pile of sticky black stuff called tar. I don’t know what tar is but my human friends at the shelter say they make something called roads with it. Poor Sevda could not move because the tar was so sticky and she had to be dug out by a big noisy thing called a digger. Then humans were bashing all around her with axes and spades to help her escape. She must have been very very scared. Watch the video below to see how she was dug out.

When she had been dug out she was still stuck in lots of the tar so she was taken to our lovely vet called Aynur who spent a lot of time with her helpers cleaning and freeing poor Sevda. These are some pictures and a video of her being cleaned up.

Once they had fixed her up she looked like she had been pulled through a forest backwards and stuffed in a washing machine but she was free and healthy as this picture shows her with us just afterward in the shelter.
Many weeks passed of her having loving care from my human friends and look what a lovely beautiful dog she turned out to be.
The German association Glücksfelle e.V and their supporting friends, supported Sevda’s treatment by collecting donations for her. Thank you so much on behalf of Sevda and all of her human friends in Gocek to Glucksfelle e.V and friends.

Now the best part of the story begins because Sevda is flying in a big noisy fast thing called an aeroplane to meet her new foster parents in Germany. Isn’t that good? Here is a video of Sevda walking in the airport on her way, she looks as if she has been calmly travelling through airports all her life.
That my friends is how a very unlucky dog turned into a very lucky dog.
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