How to fix a dog ………..
Hi Dear Friends, I have a great heart-warming tale for you today. It’s the story of how we fix a dog.
Several months ago now a new dog called Peder arrived to join us dogs in the shelter. The poor boy was in a terrible state; he was very scared, very quiet, and he looked horrible. After our kind vet Aynur had seen him she said that he had something called mange and leishmaniasis. He was also very very skinny.
Our human friend Sina told us that leishmaniasis was a terrible disease that is caused by a tiny sand fly that you cannot see and it is very difficult to prevent and although the symptoms can be treated it is incurable and the animal with the disease has to be carefully monitored and looked after for all of its life.
Sina said that leishmaniasis is spreading amongst many animals all around a thing called ‘the Mediterranean coast’. I have no idea what that is but apparently it is a thing called blue and it is very wet and humans like swimming in it. If leishmaniasis is not treated then the poor dog will certainly die a very nasty death.
Mange is a horrible skin disease caused by parasitic mites, they sound yuch!
Apparently the leishmaniasis and mange showed that Peder had been very badly looked after by his humans before he came to the shelter.
Anyway Sina and her helpers looked after Peder very carefully and gave him lots of medicine and guess what? He is a new dog!
My human friends said those words again about Peder’s medicine …….. what is it again ….. I remember now ……. ‘Very Expensive’
Peder on arrival at the shelter.
Peder today …… a new dog.
Oh no the donkeys got a lump!
Dinkey Our Lovely Donkey
Laying Dinkey Down
Caring For Dinkey
Arrrgghhh There’s The Hole
You may remember the excitement when we had a new different kind of animal called a donkey when it was rescued from the middle of the D400, a very busy motorway going through Gocek.
Well we had a bit of a scare last week when Hilly, the kind lady who looks after Dinky the donkey, called Peter to say the donkey had a big lump on its side. Hilly said she thought it was a thing called a hernia, which apparently is a terrible, terrible thing where a bit of your tummy tries to come outside. Can you believe it? It made me and several of my dog friends at the shelter feel quite ill, we had to go and lie down for a bit to recover.
Anyway Peter called Sina, who called Murat, who called a special thing called a Donkey Vet that is supposed to be good at fixing up Donkeys.
The next day everyone went to Hilly’s place high up in the mountains above us and the thing called a Donkey Vet came too. You will never guess what he did next? He shaved Dinkey the Donkey. We thought she was going to get something called an operation not a haircut and a shave, what were they thinking of?
But then it got very scary indeed. They tied lots of ropes around Dinkey’s legs and they made her fall over onto a nice soft duvet. Sina and Murat sat on her to keep her still and Hilly stroked her head to make her feel better. Then, and this bit makes me feel ill again, the Donkey Vet took something called a scalpel and cut a hole in Dinkey! He said he found a tear in her cartilage which was probably caused by Dinkey rolling about on a stone or a rock. What a silly donkey! Next the Donkey Vet sewed the hole back up with a needle and thread, Peter wondered if the Donkey Vet could sew up holes in socks, he would probably be quite good at it.
Next thing Dinkey felt a bit better and everyone helped her to stand up again. Hilly says that she is still in some pain but Sina has arranged for some special pain killers which are something called ‘very expensive’
Peter said that all of these things are needed to keep the Dinkey in good shape and he wondered if any of our kind friends would like to so something called ‘sponsoring’ to help look after Dinkey in her lovely new home high in the mountains.
I am still feeling a bit ill from all of this, and so are my friends so we need to lie down again for a bit.
The Dog Wanted To Watch
The Cat Didn’t
All Better Now
Back Home Safely with Some Surprises
Well my friends we have had a very exciting time just lately but all of us dogs are back at the shelter and no harm seems to have been done. All of my dog friends and I are very tired and still a bit worried about what happened with the fire so we are mostly resting and sleeping in the shade.
My human friends Sina and Grace do keep disturbing us though. They are doing a thing called counting and they keep doing it over and over again. Then one of them comes along and says ‘That dog is in the wrong kennel’ and the dog gets moved somewhere else. After a lot of counting Sina and Grace started jumping up and down and getting very excited.
They told me that during the fire and the evacuation and living in the place called the stadium for lots of days we hadn’t lost a single dog! Can you believe it? Then they said that we had what they called a bonus; we had three new dogs and two new donkeys. How good is that? The new dogs and donkeys may have been frightened by the fire or dumped by their humans but they will be OK and we will look after them now.
We have called this dog Huhu, until he gets a proper name.He is a big softy and we love him already.
How about this sweet little thing? He is living on the bungalow balcony with all the little dogs at the moment.
This new friend walks like a cowboy, he is a very proud dog who likes to follow his nose.
Our new donkey friends, mother and daughter, aren’t they sweet?
HELP – Firestorm All Around Us !!!!!
The firestorm is coming
Get ready and fast
Quick as you can
Cars, Vans, and Trucks travel through the night
I am Akkus one of the oldest members of the dog shelter, I am mascot and the reporter of all news.
On a day called Wednesday as the big orange thing in the sky was going to sleep all us dogs noticed a very strange and strong scent in our noses. Then the sky started to go very dark.
All of a sudden all of our human friends that we see every day came to the shelter in their noisy things called cars all at the same time. Something very strange was happening but we didn’t know what. We don’t like strange things we don’t know and we started to get very scared. Then we heard a clicking sound above our heads and one of my clever dog friends said it was a very scary thing called a helicopter.
Then our human friends all came into the shelter and they were running all over the place getting all the dog boxes and putting them on the ground near the gate. They said there was a thing called a firestorm coming and we all had to get out fast!
Then more and more and more humans came in things called trucks and vans. Some of the humans said they made it through the fire before the forest road was closed by humans called policemen and firemen.
Our human friends came into our kennels and took us one by one out to the boxes. They were being very fast, running like the wind, and tying our collars with things that were called ropes and torn up sheets. We were all getting more and more scared but we trust our human friends so we were very good and went quietly with them. They put us in cars and vans and trucks and we went fast through the night over the mountains where the road was still open.
Then we came to a funny place called a football stadium and we were all so scared and tired we went to sleep with our human friends giving us water and watching over us during the night.
In the morning we woke in a very strange place. It has something called grass, it is a colour called green and it feels nice on your feet. We like it. Guess what? We were told that there were 100 of us dogs all in the same place and all together, no kennels, just all my friends and I on the grass together. We tried to be good but one or two of us got a bit cross and grumpy but mostly we were all very good and kind and calm.
Our human friends worried for two days that our shelter would be burned down but now they tell us it may be OK and we hope we can go home soon even though we like the green stuff called grass.
The friends rescued all of my 250 friends in something called two and a half hours and I think they did a good job, we are all safe and well.
Although we dogs are safe we have been told that the environment near our shelter is badly damaged and many of our little wildlife friends have died. This makes us very sad.
It costs a lot of money for us dogs to be staying in many dog hotels, clinics, and many other places; not just the football stadium. The humans say we need lots of money to help with this terrible disaster, we may have to stay away from the shelter for many days.
Can you help us please?
Love from Akkus
It’s a bit hot in this stadium
Human friends looking after us in the stadium
This is me Akkus with some of my friends
What’s this green stuff we are running on?
Beautiful Puppies
Pup 1
Pup 2
Pup 3
We have a problem! We need to name some new puppies, after all we get so many of them, they arrive every day. My human friends Sina and Peter normally think of the names but I thought it would be fun, if you, our kind friends, made the choice.
We have three lovely new puppies that need a name.
We have found some names for you to choose from so what do you think. They are all girls.
- Leia
- Mila
- Nina
- Lola
- Coco
- Lulu
- Layla
- Ella
- Olive
Just send me an email with your vote saying pup1-name1, pup2-name2, pup3-name3
We would kindly ask you to make a donation as part of your entry by going to our donate page here
Thank you for you kindness, we will let you know the winning names as soon as we have them.
7 Cute Little Puppies Sitting In A Line
Their First Feed At The Shelter
Sitting In Their Nice Cosy Basket At Sina’s House
A little while ago now our human friends got very very excited one Saturday morning. A very old truck came to the shelter driven by a man from a nearby village. He stopped his truck and our human friends Sina, Christine, and Grace went to see what was up. The man got out of his truck and said he had found some puppies with a mummy dog. The mummy dog jumped down from the truck and the man passed a puppy to Grace, and then another one, and then another one, and another, and another, and another, and another! Seven tiny tiny little puppies, can you believe it?
Well everyone was shocked but so pleased that the poor little things had been brought to us and not left alone, cold, and hungry somewhere. Sina said ‘So where are we going to put these cute little babies then, the quarantine kennels are all full up and we have to look after them very carefully’. So Sina, Christine, and Grace all scratched their heads and then scratched their heads again, what were they going to do? ‘I know’ said Sina ‘I will take them all to my house they can stay in my spare bathroom, its big enough, its warm and clean and I can keep a good close eye on them’.
So Sina took them home and after that every time we saw her here at the shelter she looked as though she was falling asleep and then she told us that the puppies woke her up at a thing called 4:00am every morning for cleaning and feeding. I don’t know what a 4:00am is, Christine says its a time of the night which is dark and quiet and all sensible people are usually asleep. So puppies are very hard work.
Anyway the puppies have been with us for some time now and they are getting bigger and bigger. Sina has got them eating proper puppy food now and she is a good but very strict puppy mum. Guess what? she puts them in a line before she puts the food bowls down and then says ‘Ready, steady eat’ and they do, its incredible! They have been busy practicing climbing the steps from their bathroom to the outside, the only problem is that one of them is a bit smaller than the others and cannot get up the step. Look in the video how the other puppy tries to help it while all the other puppies cheer them on. Now they have been taught to wash their bowls and take them back to where they are fed. How good is that?
Isn’t it wonderful? it warms the hearts of us older dogs to see the youngsters doing so well.
Ready Steady Eat!
Mountain Climbing (Or Not?)
Washing Up And Putting The Bowls Back
So now we have a donkey!
Well my humans were very excited today, they spent this morning capturing something called a donkey. Imdat told me its like a very big brown dog with long pointy ears and it makes a funny noise not a bark like us dogs but an ‘eee aww’. You have to watch their back legs because they can kick you but Imdat said that the best bit is that they like apples and carrots, can you believe that?
Anyway Imdat told me that my human friend Peter was driving along the road between Dalaman and Gocek very early in the morning and he thought he saw a donkey in the middle of the road. He couldn’t believe it, he thought he was dreaming! So Peter drove all the way down the hill and back up the other side and there it was, he wasn’t dreaming after all. So Peter got out of his car and went to see the donkey in the middle of the road but it wouldn’t come close. ‘Mmmm’ Peter said ‘What on earth am I going to do with this donkey?’. I know I’ll ask Sina she’ll know what to do. Sina said ‘I am coming in my pyjamas, I will bring ropes and stuff so we can catch it’. When Sina got there she started phoning everyone she knew and guess what; no-one knew what to do with a donkey stuck in the middle of the road.
Then some kind people called policeman came and helped Sina and Peter catch the donkey. Then they stopped all the cars and lorries that were driving very fast so they could take the donkey to the side of the road and tie her to a tree.
The donkey was very sad and scared at first but they got her some apples and she soon became very friendly so they could rub her nose and stroke her. She was in quite a bad state and she will need lots of care and attention then she will be good as new. Murat came in his truck and they took the donkey up the mountain to a place near us where she will be well looked after by all of our human friends.
So now we are over 230 dogs, over 100 cats and 1 donkey. We told Peter not to find anything else for a while if he could possibly help it.