About Billy

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So far Billy has created 56 blog entries.

Beautiful Puppies

By |2019-06-24T19:30:14+03:00June 24th, 2019|pups, rescue, shelter|

Pup 1

Pup 2

Pup 3

We have a problem! We need to name some new puppies, after all we get so many of them, they arrive every day. My human friends Sina and Peter normally think of the names but I thought it would be fun, if you, our kind friends, made the choice.

We have three lovely new puppies that need a name.

We have found some names for you to choose from so what do you think. They are all girls.

  1. Leia
  2. Mila
  3. Nina
  4. Lola
  5. Coco
  6. Lulu
  7. Layla
  8. Ella
  9. Olive

Just send me an email akkus@gocekanimalrescue.com with your vote saying pup1-name1, pup2-name2, pup3-name3

We would kindly ask you to make a donation as part of your entry by going to our donate page here www.gocekanimalrescue.com/donate

Thank you for you kindness, we will let you know the winning names as soon as we have them.


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It’s a Disaster !!!!

By |2019-04-09T11:18:16+03:00April 9th, 2019|shelter|

Oh dear we are so frightened!

We just had something called a terrible storm. There was white stuff called hail and ice and the rain came down like a river was rushing into our kennels. There were big scary flashes all across the sky as though the sun was exploding and then the biggest loudest bangs we have ever heard. I just lay down and hid next to my good friends Sinbad and Aladdin at the back of our kennel. We kept our paws over our ears and shut our eyes but the the bad stuff would not go away.

We are wet and have very cold paws. All of the men are rushing around to clear up for us, they are cutting down the sunshades because they are full of ice and falling on our heads.

I thought we lived in a hot country? Maybe not?

Our human friend Christine said we need €1000 just to fix up the shelter as it should be so that we are all safe and comfortable, can you help us?


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7 Cute Little Puppies Sitting In A Line

By |2019-03-24T18:24:32+03:00March 24th, 2019|pups, rescue, shelter|

Their First Feed At The Shelter

Sitting In Their Nice Cosy Basket At Sina’s House

A little while ago now our human friends got very very excited one Saturday morning. A very old truck came to the shelter driven by a man from a nearby village. He stopped his truck and our human friends Sina, Christine, and Grace went to see what was up. The man got out of his truck and said he had found some puppies with a mummy dog. The mummy dog jumped down from the truck and the man passed a puppy to Grace, and then another one, and then another one, and another, and another, and another, and another! Seven tiny tiny little puppies, can you believe it?

Well everyone was shocked but so pleased that the poor little things had been brought to us and not left alone, cold, and hungry somewhere. Sina said ‘So where are we going to put these cute little babies then, the quarantine kennels are all full up and we have to look after them very carefully’. So Sina, Christine, and Grace all scratched their heads and then scratched their heads again, what were they going to do? ‘I know’ said Sina ‘I will take them all to my house they can stay in my spare bathroom, its big enough, its warm and clean and I can keep a good close eye on them’.

So Sina took them home and after that every time we saw her here at the shelter she looked as though she was falling asleep and then she told us that the puppies woke her up at a thing called 4:00am every morning for cleaning and feeding. I don’t know what a 4:00am is, Christine says its a time of the night which is dark and quiet and all sensible people are usually asleep. So puppies are very hard work.

Anyway the puppies have been with us for some time now and they are getting bigger and bigger. Sina has got them eating proper puppy food now and she is a good but very strict puppy mum. Guess what? she puts them in a line before she puts the food bowls down and then says ‘Ready, steady eat’ and they do, its incredible! They have been busy practicing climbing the steps from their bathroom to the outside, the only problem is that one of them is a bit smaller than the others and cannot get up the step. Look in the video how the other puppy tries to help it while all the other puppies cheer them on. Now they have been taught to wash their bowls and take them back to where they are fed. How good is that?

Isn’t it wonderful? it warms the hearts of us older dogs to see the youngsters doing so well.


Ready Steady Eat!


Mountain Climbing (Or Not?)


Washing Up And Putting The Bowls Back

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Happy Friends

By |2019-03-24T12:13:25+03:00March 20th, 2019|shelter, vet|


We have some very happy news at the shelter. We heard today that two of our best friends have flown to Germany and are enjoying a very happy life in a new home. Marti and Puffin are both big very handsome dogs and lots of the girl dogs here thought they looked very nice.

Poor Marti had quite a sad time before he came to live with us here in the shelter, he was living outside in a mountain village near the shelter. His owners did not love him and they told my human friends at the shelter to come and capture him because they would shoot poor Marti with a horrible thing called a gun. They said he was stealing eggs but we know this was not true because our human friends saw that all of the chickens were inside hen houses which were locked up. The horrible people probably just didn’t want poor Marti any more.

It took our human friends quite a long time to catch Marti as he was scared and kept running up the mountain to escape. When Marti got to the shelter he was very very frightened and although he made lots of friends here he was always quite shy.

Puffin had a sad story too.

Anyway the nice humans who are looking after Marti and Puffin now sent us this wonderful wonderful video of Marti and Puffin playing together. Look how happy they are, they look like silly puppies not great big boys. All of us at the shelter  are all so pleased for them.



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Ouch Ouch Ouch!

By |2019-03-11T11:48:42+03:00March 11th, 2019|shelter, vet|

Guess what happened today? We all got something called vaccinated!

Nearly all of our human friends were here! Murat, Imdat, Selman, Sina, Peter and an extra special surprise we saw Aynur and Sila the kind humans who make our tummies better when they ache.

‘Vaccinated’ stops us having tummies that ache so we are very happy about that. According to Aynur she vaccinated 162 of us dogs today; unbelievable!

Only problem is that when you get ‘vaccinated’ it hurts 🙁 ouch!


Follow the adventures of all of my friends and I at the shelter by subscribing here

So now we have a donkey!

By |2019-03-07T12:07:18+03:00March 7th, 2019|rescue|

Well my humans were very excited today, they spent this morning capturing something called a donkey. Imdat told me its like a very big brown dog with long pointy ears and it makes a funny noise not a bark like us dogs but an ‘eee aww’. You have to watch their back legs because they can kick you but Imdat said that the best bit is that they like apples and carrots, can you believe that?

Anyway Imdat told me that my human friend Peter was driving along the road between Dalaman and Gocek very early in the morning and he thought he saw a donkey in the middle of the road. He couldn’t believe it, he thought he was dreaming! So Peter drove all the way down the hill and back up the other side and there it was, he wasn’t dreaming after all. So Peter got out of his car and went to see the donkey in the middle of the road but it wouldn’t come close. ‘Mmmm’ Peter said ‘What on earth am I going to do with this donkey?’. I know I’ll ask Sina she’ll know what to do. Sina said ‘I am coming in my pyjamas, I will bring ropes and stuff so we can catch it’.  When Sina got there she started phoning everyone she knew and guess what; no-one knew what to do with a donkey stuck in the middle of the road.

Then some kind people called policeman came and helped Sina and Peter catch the donkey. Then they stopped all the cars and lorries that were driving very fast so they could take the donkey to the side of the road and tie her to a tree.

The donkey was very sad and scared at first but they got her some apples and she soon became very friendly so they could rub her nose and stroke her. She was in quite a bad state and she will need lots of care and attention then she will be good as new. Murat came in his truck and they took the donkey up the mountain to a place near us where she will be well looked after by all of our human friends.

So now we are over 230 dogs, over 100 cats and 1 donkey. We told Peter not to find anything else for a while if he could possibly help it.


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Old Friends Leaving – Or Not? – Yessss

By |2019-03-02T14:33:17+03:00February 26th, 2019|holland, re-homed|

Today my dear friend Sina came in her car very early in the morning when it was still dark. Then my other friend Murat came as well and started moving great big boxes around. Then would you believe it they put my friends Lalique and Maya into two of the great big boxes and then Sina drove off with them in her car. Apparently they are going to a thing called an airport in somewhere called Dalaman to get on a big noisy thing called a plane which will go very fast and take them to a place far away called Holland. They told their friends in their kennel that Sina had told them they were going to get what is called ‘a new home’. Apparently this means they will do things called playing and cuddling some humans called ‘new owners’. All sounds a bit scary to me but Murat said they will have a wonderful time for the rest of their lives so that is perfect with all of their friends in the shelter.




Latest Breaking News

Then it all went wrong, Karine (their Flight Mother) and Sina came back with Lalique and Maya in their boxes. Then they went back to their kennels 🙁 Karine and Sina told us that the thing called a plane was cancelled because it was doing a thing called snowing in a place called Istanbul! They said that snowing is a thing where white stuff comes down from the sky a bit like rain, but its very cold. I am not sure we would like that but some of my friends think it might be fun.

Murat, and Sina and Karine say they will try again tomorrow, we will keep all our paws crossed that it does.



Latest Latest Breaking News

Hurrah everything has worked, Karine has gone to Holland with Lalique and Maya. Hopefully we will get some nice pictures of them when they arrive, watch this space.



Lalique Looks So Happy

She is in her new home with her new humans, doesn’t she look happy?

Come on humans at the shelter, lets get working on the next dogs to pack their bags and fly away 🙂



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Oh no his ears fallen off !!!

By |2019-03-02T14:35:16+03:00February 23rd, 2019|shelter, vet|

Its been terrible! Today we had a big upset. One of my friends called Drake got into a fight and guess what? His ear nearly fell off. There was such a fuss all of my friends in the shelter were running around and barking like crazy because they were so upset. Selman stopped the fight, picked up poor Drake and rushed with him to show Sina and the other men who look after us. They were shocked, ‘what shall we do?’ they said. Imdat said ‘lets try superglue’. ‘Maybe not’ said Sina. ‘Lets get a sewing machine’ said Murat. ‘Maybe not’ said Sina. ‘I know we’ll ask Aynur the vet’ said Sina. Aynur said ‘bring Drake to me’.

Well a couple of hours later Sina came back with Drake and it was a miracle. According to Sina Aynur sewed Drake’s ear back on and its nearly as good as new. Drakes really happy his ear is fixed now and has promised he is going to stay out of trouble from now on. Mind you it’s quite a mystery because Drake is such a kind, gentle, loving dog that we are all a bit puzzled as to how it all happened. Still with 230 of us all together we argue and fight sometimes but probably a lot less than 230 humans would do.


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