How unlucky Lucky became lucky again
Hi Friends
This is the story of a sweet, funny and friendly dog called Lucky. Lucky lived on the streets in our local town. Lucky made many friends and even though he had owners he was mainly taken care of by the kind people in the cafes, restaurants and on the streets.
One day Lucky was shot in the leg with a gun. My human friends at the shelter and in the town did not know who did this or why it was done but they all came to his rescue and took poor Lucky to the vets for surgery and recovery. Lucky’s owners did not seem to care and would not pay for Lucky’s vet bills at first, but were eventually persuaded to pay by some of my caring humans from the shelter and the town.
Lucky hobbled a lot with his poorly leg for some time but eventually he returned to his previous life enjoying the company of his dog and human friends in the town. Despite his experience he remained a happy friendly dog very eager for affection and friendship.
A few weeks ago, some of our humans discovered that Lucky had been dumped on a local beach many kilometres away and left alone to fend for himself, begging for scraps of food from the few tourists there and with nowhere to shelter. My humans came to his rescue and took him back to the town to resume his former life. Unbelievably Lucky was found dumped again on the same beach a few days later, so my human friends decided that enough was enough and Lucky needed the care of my dog friends and my humans at the shelter. He went to the vet first to be checked out and treated for any problems. He is with us now as bouncy and friendly as ever, what a great new friend.
We dogs cannot understand how some humans can be so cruel when all we want to do is love the humans and make them happy.
In the end things have turned out well for Lucky, he will be sheltered, fed, and cared for and who knows, one day maybe he will get a new home with some loving human friends. Let’s hope.
If you would like to sponsor Lucky or you are a local family who would like to foster him then please contact us
Love from Billy

Our new friend Lucky safe and sound with us at the shelter